Thursday, April 1, 2010

fairy tales

Prepare for lots of pictures. These are some pictures of some illustrators that have made an impact on me.

Ilon Wikland
Gives me good memories of when I was younger and cluless

John Bauer
I will always remember this illustration
Ännu sitter Tuvstarr kvar och ser ner i vattnet

Hans Arnold
His paintings used to scare me when I was younger

Elsa Beskow
Love the colors, and that they are strawberries and flowers
It reminds me of when I was younger and I used to play
with flowers, turn them upside down so it seemed
that the petals were their dresses

1 comment:

  1. Are you a fan of Hans Arnold? I acquired a piece of his art that I cannot find anywhere on the internet entitled "In My Blue Ballon" and it is an illustration I think comes from the book about sisters. Please let me know if you can help with any information!
